I’m lazy.
And I’m proud of it.
Because, there’s enough stuff to feel guilty for as a parent, right?
While I deeply admire moms and dads who slave away in the kitchen, baking treat after treat, making jams, chutneys, kim-chi and gluten-free vegan ketogenic raw cakes…I am just not that person.
So if you’re like me, and wait till the last freakin’ nanosecond to get the party food started, incorporate this last-minute Halloween snacks in your repertoire. The kids won’t love you less for it! #holidaystressremedies
“Look mom! No fingers”
How to make:
- Open a can of hot dogs
- Lay them in some cut-open buns
- Cut some lines in the fingers for wrinkles
- Carve a bit out of the top for the “nail”
- Lay an almond on the nail part
- Easy Peasy Ketchup Squeezy – and you are done!
Spooked by Bananas!
I, unfortunately, do not have a picture of this one – but will add that next Halloween. It’s so easy though that I’m pretty sure you can manage to create this without an example!
- Peel a banana, cut it in half
- Cut the halves, now once lengthwise
- Melt white chocolate au-bain marie, keep stirring in 20 second-intervals
- Stick an upside-down spoon, or a chopstick through the length of the banana
- Dip the banana in the chocolate
- Let it harden
- Stick two pieces of dark chocolate on for eyes – done!